You come center stage and simply shine. In all your beauty and glory, grateful to have reached a balance in between Light & Shadow. You take the stand and speak your truth, consolidated by intensive learning, through books and life experiences. You put yourself out there, strong because you accept and show your vulnerable side. You shine regardless what others think of you. There will always like and dislike. That doesn’t make one less valuable, it only fine combs the …
Etichetă: soul
There is much talk lately about emotionally unavailable men, narcissists, ghosting, gaslighting and so on and so forth. But I haven’t heard anything about emotionally unavailable women. If I exist for sure there are other women who have their hearts under DEFCON 5 lockdown, too. Strangely enough this spring is one of permanent revelations for me. Signs were all around, but today all pieces fell into the puzzle. Maybe the funniest moment was while reading a post in a women’s …